• 2023-07-17 NGC 6992 taken with Sony A7s + Intes Alter M603

    2023-07-17 NGC 6992 taken with Sony A7s + Intes Alter M6032023-07-17 NGC 6992 taken with Sony A7s + Intes Alter M603 With this setup, it just fits in the picture.
    This time, the nebula is well centered !


    Place : Le Ménil, Vosges, France
    Sensor : Sony A7s defiltered astrodon + UHC filter
    Telescope: Maksutov Intes Micro M603 (150mm f1500mm)
    Mount : HEQ5 belt modified, precise mount alignment with Polemaster, no guiding
    Exposure : 4000 iso, 21x30s, 10 darks, 8 flats of 1s
    Treatment : Siril + DenoiseAI (denoising) + Luminar (contrast, saturation)

    2023-07-17 NGC 6992 taken with Sony A7s + Intes Alter M603

    Starless version :

    2023-07-17 NGC 6992 taken with Sony A7s + Intes Alter M603

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